Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wire crochet....not your granny's tablecloth: we begin

December 22, time is getting away from me, every year I swear I will have things under control. The holidays, I'm more than ready for, it's life that goes swirling around us that I have trouble keeping up with.

Today is the day i go to mom's house and collect things she borrowed, pick up things she wanted us to have, and take more final steps to sale of the family home we grew up in, since 1959 anyway. Time marches on, i know that. i just want it to march with smaller steps, please.

Time i want to spend working on a new design, i thought of an amulet bag or large necklae i want to call the Northern Lights. Guess in honor of my brother, he and his family just moved to Alaska in the past month. I have the beads in shades of pinks with touches of yellows with blending of blues that go to the next color...really pretty blend, in my head.

now just a simple matter to get it translated to wire, and paper. I have been thinking of getting a small voice activated tape recorder so that when I am working on what I just did to the piece, I can keep going, talking the instructions out, and not stopping to write it out.

I work with the piece and plan out the next thing to do as it comes, in my head. I should plan ahead, have problems addressed before they occur, be prepared,by doing some of the work on paper first. That's just not how it works out for me. No, i think the idea, i think twice i did do a pencil drawing, of what i want to achieve and then work out the changes as they happen.

when you work in wire you realize that if you make an error, no, placement of stitches where they are unplanned, and unwanted, sounds better than error.... or screw up... You can back out slowly,and carefully re do the stitches one time. If you screw up a second time and yes, that so happens, use it as a new design point cause you will break the wire, as every bend/smooth work hardens the wire, and it will snap.

the very good thing about working in wire is that if you need to hide an error, you can easily. Wire will stay in place where you put it, if you are a bit short on one side, pull on it, and there you have it, It fits. If it is too wide, shrunch it together, and you have a denser piece, but it will work.

it truly is a wonderful medium!


my other passion:

missing child education and prevention material on parental/stranger abduction/runaway issues in child friendly manner, in 10 books of fiction/interactive book and 2 plays and a parent guide which you will really never need but info you should know..... but you will never need it

Guess it is time to just do it and start.

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